--==[ SPLAT! v1.2.3 Path Analysis ]==--


Transmitter site: kj4gtu
Site location: 34.8498 North / 82.3910 West (34° 50' 59" N / 82° 23' 27" W)
Ground elevation: 1017.06 feet AMSL
Antenna height: 20.00 feet AGL / 1037.06 feet AMSL
Antenna height above average terrain: 49.08 feet
Distance to kd4ph: 4.03 miles
Azimuth to kd4ph: 286.31 degrees
Elevation angle to kd4ph: +0.0238 degrees


Receiver site: kd4ph
Site location: 34.8662 North / 82.4593 West (34° 51' 58" N / 82° 27' 33" W)
Ground elevation: 1036.75 feet AMSL
Antenna height: 20.00 feet AGL / 1056.75 feet AMSL
Distance to kj4gtu: 4.03 miles
Azimuth to kj4gtu: 106.27 degrees
Depression angle to kj4gtu: -0.0821 degrees


Longley-Rice path calculation parameters used in this analysis:

Earth's Dielectric Constant: 15.000
Earth's Conductivity: 0.005 Siemens/meter
Atmospheric Bending Constant (N-units): 301.000 ppm
Frequency: 146.520 MHz
Radio Climate: 5 (Continental Temperate)
Polarization: 1 (Vertical)
Fraction of Situations: 50.0%
Fraction of Time: 60.0%
Transmitter ERP: 35 Watts


Summary for the link between kj4gtu and kd4ph:

Free space path loss: 92.03 dB
Longley-Rice path loss: 100.76 dB
Attenuation due to effects of terrain: 8.73 dB
Field strength at kd4ph: 65.25 dBuV/meter
Voltage produced by a terminated 50 ohm 0 dBd gain antenna: 490.09 uV
Voltage produced by a terminated 75 ohm 0 dBd gain antenna: 600.24 uV
Mode of propagation: Line-Of-Sight Mode


No obstructions to LOS path due to terrain were detected by SPLAT!

Antenna at kd4ph must be raised to at least 1595.00 feet AGL
to clear the first Fresnel zone.

Antenna at kd4ph must be raised to at least 631.00 feet AGL
to clear 60% of the first Fresnel zone.